Nye RMT-P1BT leverer pålitelig og presis trådløs fotografering.
Sony introduserer I dag den nye trådløse Remote Commander (RMT-P1BT) med Bluetooth-teknologi som gjør den fjernstyrte fotograferingen din pålitelig og responsiv. Dette er for fotografene som ønsker en presis kontroll av kameraet sitt ved fotografering av landskap, arkitektur, stjernehimmel og gruppebilder av ulike slag.
The new RMT-P1BT wireless remote commander operates via a Bluetooth connection, eliminating the need for wires, cables or receivers to connect the remote directly to the camera. The remote features an extremely fast response, within approximately 0.05 seconds[ii]release time-lag, that ensures the shutter can be released with precise accuracy. There is also an LED light that indicates operating status to camera by flashing or lighting continuously.Additionally, the remote is designed to resist dust and moisture[iii] plus hot and cold temperatures[iv], offering reliable operation in a wide variety of environments and weather conditions.
To maximise control over camera functionality, the new RMT-P1BT wireless remote commander features focus buttons for manual control over subtle focus changes, a remote C1 custom button that can be adjusted[v] based on user preference. It also includes Start/Stop movie recording and control over power-zoom or digital-zoom functionality, making it the ideal accessory for remote movie shooting. For photographers that prefer to shoot on ‘Bulb’ exposure mode, the remote commander can be set to open and close the shutter with respective clicks of the main button, eliminating the need to press and hold the button throughout exposure time.

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